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Text editor

VIM is your friend, you just need to get to know it.

  • 4 min read

So there I was, with a completely black screen on my terminal trying to type something but every key I pressed was only making everything worse. Never have I thought typing a letter would be such a pain. Suddenly, my technique on typing every letter in my keyboard was rewarded with an f . “So my keyboard was not borken”, I thought.

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Version control

1,2,3… Everybody say Commit!

  • 4 min read

Probably, I was not the only person in the world saving every little change I made to my code. Fear is one of the most common feelings in nature, it keeps you alert and alive, yet it can paralize yourself and stop you from creating marvelous things. Sometimes coding can be challenging. While you can spend two hours writing a few lines it can take less than a second to loose everything. All that hard work must be adequately stored and accessible and for that there must be an efficient way.

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